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Restore Your Core

Reawaken & Strengthen
your Core muscles 
10 Day Mini Programme

Does this sound like you?

Do you feel uncomfortable in your body and hate that your belly sticks out?


Are you tired of the constant back ache?


Do you wish that you could feel more confident and more like you after having your baby?


Are you tired of looking like you’re a couple of months pregnant?


Do you wish you could run after your kids without having to sit down/ wee yourself/ put your back out?


Then I'd love for you to join me in
Restore Your Core
A 10 day mini programme to
Reawaken & Strengthen your core muscles -  in less than 10 minutes a day!


What's in it for you?

  • You’ll have a deep understanding of what it means to activate and strengthen your core effectively (it’s not just about the abs!)


  • You can use all our inside tips and techniques to build that strong foundation to getting you back to running and all those activities you love to do


  • Finally experience being able to do that hike/ run around with your kids without worrying about putting your back out or weeing yourself


  • Your abdominals feel stronger, your clothes fit better and you feel amazing


  • By putting yourself first and doing something for you you feel stronger, empowered and that the world is your oyster!

How does it work?

It’s time to put yourself first and become that capable, content and unstoppable person that you want to be.


Over the next 10 days I’ll be guiding you through 10 easy to follow mini lessons that will empower you with all the tips and techniques you need to feel stronger, pain free and limitless! 


In the first few days together we’ll be focussing on how 3 key things are the secret sauce in strengthening your core effectively.


Then we’ll move onto challenging all that you’ve learnt with my favourite core strengthening exercises AND learn my favourite tool that’ll fire up your abdominal connection like never before!


And finally we’ll look at some exercises that you may already know, but how our tips and techniques can take them from meh to mind blowing!


Once you feel good, you do good and you’ll realize that there is no limit to what you can achieve with the right expert guidance. 


You’ll be ready to take on the world, excited for what life brings and ready for new challenges.



Are you ready to join Restore your Core?

Seated on a mat

Start your FREE 10 Day Restore Your Core Mini Programme!

Thanks for submitting! Keep an eye on your inbox to get started with RYC today.

Hi I'm Michelle!

After having my second baby I didn't recover as quickly as I'd hoped and was left with back pain, abdominal separation and a general sense of meh!


Running around after a toddler, having a newborn AND my husband being away with the military meant that time was short and me time was non existent.


By slowly carving out a few moments for myself here and there I strengthened my core, healed my abdominal separation and now feel stronger and more confident than ever before.


I'd love for you to experience the same and see how small movements executed with great technique can make a MASSIVE difference in a short amount of time.


With over 20 years of experience in practising and teaching Pilates, I am dedicated to inspiring women to embrace movement as a lifestyle, and to see how strengthening your body will boost your confidence AND empower you to show up for your loved ones EVEN better.


Join Restore your Core by filling in the form above and let's get started on your journey to the new you.


Feel inspired, feel balanced, feel powerful.

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